Story trading project

13 Jul


On ‘the Quarry’ Marie did a ‘storytelling’ workshop with the group in which we all presented an object with a good story, found in our backpacks. In couples we shared our stories to one another, and eventually we shared each others story with the group. The aim of the workshop was to get into storytelling, as one of our main projects during this trip is a ‘story trading project’.

The goal of the ‘story trading project’ is to trade as many objects with stories attached to them, along the way. We will collect stories from people we meet on the road, learn their story, and trade it for another story (and object) as we go along. Stay tuned for the polaroid serie with portraits of the storytellers and their object(s).




One Response to “Story trading project”

  1. ruth July 15, 2013 at 8:15 pm #

    Kære Pil og alle i andre.
    Sikke en bus- og hvor ser det herligt ud! Jeg bliver ret misundelig, men håber selv at kan gøre turen en dag- måske der kan lægges “billet ind”!Har lige kikket billeder med Leina og Noa og joket lidt med din underbukse fortælling Pil? Knus til alle – Ruth

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